headshot of Kamren Cochran

Kamren Cochran

Account Executive

Kamren was born and raised in Mishawaka, Indiana, before attending the University of Toledo, where he majored in Business Management and minored in Professional Sales. Outside work, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, especially as a proud new uncle. Kamren enjoys partaking in anything active and keeping himself healthy. One of his favorite pastimes is checking out local live music. He is known for his motivation, resilience, and authenticity. Kamren’s favorite part of COACT is the genuine push to grow personally and professionally.

Guilty Pleasure TV show or movie:

Definitely White Chicks – it made me laugh when I was 8 years old and not supposed to be watching it, and it still makes me laugh as an adult.

What would your personal motto be:

Anything worth doing is worth doing right!